This was a fun fundraising event I organised for Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day. My aim was to create a wonderful, colourful spectacle in front of my favourite building in Oxford, the Radcliffe Camera, and raise money for a great cause in the process. Watch the final film below!
I invited members of the public to ‘film something funny for money’ using a variety of stop motion techniques – from pixilation (animating people) to using cut outs and whiteboards. People were festooned in bright costumes as if by magic. Red noses were seen bouncing in mid air, before seemingly swallowed and digested.
To pay homage to the magnificent setting, I bought some colourful hats like the black bowlers Oxford University porters wear.
As I love the building (I had an art exhibition with all of my Radcliffe Camera art work on at the same time), I made an edible Radcliffe Camera sculpture. The whole cake came in at a mighty 15kg! People could make a donation for a slice.
Making the cake took a whopping 16 eggs, 8kg of icing, and 80 hours to make!
I also made some t-shirts with fabric pens and enlisted some lovely passersby to animate them ‘magically’ rolling down to reveal the words ‘Comic Relief” for the end of the film.
Thank you so much to everyone who helped out – Nik, Valerie, Darcy, Adam, Ed, Joe, Theo, Dan, Alex and Billy.
What a fantastic day it was! Lots of fun had and we raised over £500 for Comic Relief.
It was wonderful to bring some joy and colour to the people of Oxford whilst raising money for a good cause.