Journey Into Space stop motion animation kit

3…2…1… LIFT OFF! Go on a galactic quest to make out-of-this-world stop motion films!

7 cosmic activities including: a spectacular rocket launch, flying saucers, constellations, aliens, and a daring moon landing.

Practice different animation skills: anticipation, forced perspective, appeal, easing, and the replacement technique. 

These activities are suitable for all abilities and there is lots of scope for your creativity.


Make films like this!

These animations were made by children at my ‘Journey into Space’ stop motion workshops

I developed these activities over the many years I have run stop motion animation workshops. Space was always one of my favourite topics to teach when I was a Primary Teacher. 

This animation kit is great for children at home to explore both stop motion and outer space. It can also be used by schools and museums as a fun educational resource for STEAM projects.

This is a digital download. On purchase, you will receive an instant link to download the PDF file. You will also be able to access the kit from the downloads section of My Account.

27 pages – including storyboards, props & backgrounds to print.

N.B. This activity kit is for home and personal use only and may not be reproduced.*

Included in this kit:


  • Rocket launch
  • Rocket travel
  • Moon Landing (4 parts)
  • Constellations
  • Flying Saucers
  • Aliens
  • Floating in Space

5 x A4 background sheets 

What will I need?

  • Stop motion app
  • Access to a printer
  • Paper, card
  • Sticky tack
  • Plasticine
  • Cocktail stick (for flag pole)
  • Drywipe board and/or chalkboard

Optional extras:

  • Astronaut figure (such as a Lego minifigure)

For lots of tips on setting up for stop motion, the best apps to use, lights – visit my blog.


This activity kit is meant for home and personal use only. Do not share the files, and do not print multiple times as gifts or in any other distributive way. You are not allowed to resell the file, share it on download / stock platforms or give the impression the file was created by you. I am a one-woman show, and my small business really depends on people having integrity with their use of these files.

StopMoGo stop motion animation Journey into Space poster
StopMoGo stop motion animation Journey into Space Emma Dougherty
StopMoGo stop motion animation Journey into Space workshop participants

Ready to start animating?